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Oh I've got a long list of failed games under my belt lmao, the most demoralizing for me was "Cube proof of concept" because it just, fell apart so hard when I thought it'd be so simple. But now, with what I know, I could very EASILY remake it in renpy.

Aaaah some fair warning I was in the middle of streamlining my files so my "script" file, the one renpy reads first, is still very messy, next release will have a lot more digestible and compartmentalized pathing with layered images slotted in their own category.  I hope its not /too/ disgusting to sit through, again its really my first time getting this far and a lot of my knowledge is brute forced , I know there are more eloquent ways to call things like the kids and if I could I'd make it so renpy made a new "child" each time the birthing process happens. 

Sssadly I can't seem to parse that logic in my own head. The only thing that gets me is the actual generation of a new character-instance. If it were in unity it'd be a simple value update with their variables matching what I want them to. .  .not sure how to add "npcs" dynamically though. 

Anyways long nervous rant aside I just hope my insane pathing makes sense!

I poked through the files for a while and eventually threw in the towel.  That's a lot to absorb.  If there was a "Go to declaration" feature for variables/functions/labels it would make things so much easier to digest.  Full blown programming languages do that and it helps a ton.

A new child would be potentially be a simple matter with the right data structures.  Essentially you have a child class, and each character has a dictionary of children.

class child(): [etc]

class character(): [etc, children = {}]

character.children["CHILD_NAME"] = child("CHILD_NAME", stuff, ..., etc)

You could then randomly generate children based on the character models.  All of the data would be stored in the character.children attribute/property.  And then stored locally however RenPy handles all of that.

You could even take it a step further and put age into character.  Then the children are actually just character objects but based around the age value.  character.children["CHILD_NAME"] = character("CHILD_NAME", AGE, stuff, ..., etc)

Unfortunately, all of this increases the complexity of your code.  At a certain point the logic management becomes a pain.  If age == young and is Poppy_Child and not Mitsuki.pregnant and etc etc etc.  The conditional flow of your program can get overwhelming.  Not to mention changing your data layout during a release is bound to create bugs

All big issues for game development.  Thankfully RenPy keeps things mildly manageable.  It's when you go wanting to add random objects like kids into the mix that you start poking into the heavy dev-end stuff.

I could toss you my discord or something if you ever wanted help or to talk deeper on possibilities.  Automation through code data structures is typically what I do in my professional day-to-day.  I'm more than glad to share the knowledge.

Sure thing! Drop me a PM on twitter with your handle and I can help explain my spaghetti code a lot faster than on here. More reliably as well. Heres a link to my twitter