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This game is simple point&click with no design of new systems or a variety of unique mechanics, so it's very hard for the developer to break something, and for me as a player to give useful feedback on gameplay. But I will try to describe my feelings within those game components that are features of the game.

Presentation and design are high quality, but only concerning the page on and in-game video. Red filter or any other radical post-processing is a very bad solution for long-term gameplay. It is very quickly boring and unpleasant to eyes. Because of the filter, objects on level cannot be recognized, only the cursor indicator helps, thanks to which I understand what I can interact with. I suggest you to choose another style. For example look how telltale made it for their Batman Shadows Edition.

The game gives hints, it's nice. Unfortunately, at the moment with a monster in store, even the hint did not help me, I did not understand the level and the objects located on it.

I can praise the sound and animation quality, they are at a decent level. Seems like font is taken from local source, mine is a simple serif not the one on screenshots. Anyway, this one is red too so had hard time reading this.

I'd have made cutscene more story rich or tell the whole thing directly in-game. When I got to the first level I was not prepared - I did not have any goal and basic understanding of the game's lore.

Thank you for your detailed feedback. This is all very useful. I'm fascinated by point and click games so I'll probably make more. Doing them well isn't easy, and getting your reactions helps so much!