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I was trying to figure out how many affection points I could get from each part along the story. I can say I've played from the start until the end of the 10 chapter dozen and dozen times and choose the negative option ending the story only to check how many affection I could get or lose in each part of it.

I just took a break from it to not get... to not play so many times that could break my brain. lol and that I can't do that magic but I be a entire day doing it. Lol... I could hope at least to dream with some of the character from the story as I dreamed with the bear from Morenatsu years ago. Heheh

I was still trying to get the Kase end. Kase stop me and talk with me before they kidnap me but in the end he do not show to say that love me. I just end alone. Not sure if that I miss something or another bug?

I got the raptor(? I forgot the specie) end and the end ... not end but scene with they both. I loved most of it more that the alone Drackey scene. I loved the raptor scene too.

and better I go sleep hehe just morning here.

=^.~= closes himself feline eyes and purrs until sleep.