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I got the happy end with all the chicks liking me and tried to play back through for other end but nothing triggered, even if all the chicks had zero hearts and I know there were supposed to be two endings. Hope you just had a minor variable error.

Besides that, I enjoyed the game, especially the puns.


Thank you for your review! We are happy to know that you enjoyed our game! There is a bug actually that we are trying to fix right now. It breaks the depiction of the heart filling after picking the specific pick up line  and may have caused some problem with chic counter. If we find the solution to this problem we will announce new version with fixed bugs and a few additions like instructions.

(1 edit) (+1)

I feel for you. In my game for this jam, I had a hard time getting the counter for the fire to count each required item to activate the fire and the item you use the fire to make, though I managed to resolve it. I believe I forgot to add the line to make the counter increase for a couple items and I might have made a copy and paste error or two. Hope you are able to find what's up with your counter.