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Absolutely no mention of a politician's name.  At all.  only one making this about politics is you.   The debates and arguments about immigration policies have been going on in this country LONG before the trumpanzee and his band of clowns blundered their way onto the political stage.

Stop acting like a typical fuckin crayon eater hopped up on jet fuel and cocaine seeing the world through a perspective as narrow as the barrel of an M16.

Also, might I remind you this country was BUILT on the backs of immigrants (many of them forced) by  and for immigrants. (On stolen land)

Sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up, you give us vets a bad name.  (Assuming you're actually a vet, and not after stolen valor)


A Disabled Native American Vet.

SSGT of USMC served during Op. Iraqi Freedom


Yeah, US Marine, War Time vet here as well, but I only agree that we were built on immigration at the START of this country.  At this point, immigration has gone out of control and we cannot continue to hand out freebies to people who come here illegally, disrespect our country and laws and expect a free ride.  Try that in any other country, you end up jail (which is what we should be doing, not giving them ID cards, welfare, and other freebies). What about those of us who work hard, pay our taxes and follow the law?  Where's the respect for us?  Trumpanzee?   VERY Immature.  You make way too many uneducated assumptions.  The only people pushing for wide open borders are Democrats, who well know without an influx of new, illegal voters, they'd never win another seat in office.  As a former Marine, you swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and defend this country.  We have an invasion and you welcome it?  You should be absolutely embarrassed and I am ashamed of you.  You give the Corps a VERY bad name.  You're an a-typical SNOWFLAKE.