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Unfortunately I wasn't able to beat my high score of 28 that I got in the game jam, but the game has improved a lot! I love the restructured UI, the log being removed.. Everything feels much clearer and more intuitive to play. You did a great job with that!

What kind of plans do you have going forward? Do you want to expand it further with more mechanics, or are you mostly just looking to polish it up and make this version be the best it can be?


Just published the final planned update with a few more improvements.

I'm going to keep the design in my back pocket for a retheme and a more fleshed out game, but I don't have time to develop it further right now. I'm currently trying to get out a mobile game based on my GMTK jam entry from last year (Slimebound), but once I'm done with that, I have high hopes for exploring Wisps more in-depth.


I just tried the latest update and it definitely was that last little icing on the cake that the current version needed. Nice job!

That's fair. I'd love to see what you can do with this title later on though, if you're still willing to return to it later on. I'm still sticking with my earlier comment of really enjoying the management style of this idea. 

Best of luck with Slimebound and I wish you all the best in your game development journey!