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Oh no haha. We are really sorry for that, we patched that already. 

But beyond that, Thank you! , really really thanks for playing our game, thanks a lot for the feedback (And sorry again about that bug). We ABSOLUTE love your gameplay, it was pretty fun and entertaining, we hope to see you playing again and overall see your content

Hope you have a nice DIA and keep the good work too! 

Hello, it took me a while but I had the chance to play it again, I loved that the bug was fixed so fast and the funny reference in game.

Now that I could properly play it I can confidently say it is a really fun game, I even managed to do things a little different and it was surprising how many different interactions you can do with the momos.

I decided to fight an enemy I was advised not to which resulted in high levels of fun and frustration and also a very long video, Although I didn't finish the game in the video I did finish it by myself later and I truly recommend anyone reading this to play this game.

Once again, keep the good work!