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Your game is very cool. But I would like it more if you make jump on Space button.

Here is my game-

(1 edit)

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Jokes aside, thanks. I'm always unsure how to map keyboard buttons in games like this. I've seen a lot of people use WASD for platformers in these jams which feels pretty foreign to me. What I should have done is allow custom keyboard mappings, but I guess there's always next time. ;)

Buttons easy to use. You need to go to edit->project settings-> input manager and to make settings for horizontal. Then you need to go in your player controller and ad something like 

moveInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

rb.velocity = new Vector2(normalSpeed * moveInput, rb.velocity.y);

where rb is rigidbody2d but you need to freeze Z rotation in rb. But you can try to watch some tutorials on youtube