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(1 edit)

Day 1

I had an idea since the beggining, something unusual but I will not complain about it, and also motivation, which is even more unusual.

With that, soon I had ready this beauty.

Random circles and a smiley thing, that's where the future is!

I'm trying to make a game about survival, gathering resources, upgrading your ship, that kind of stuff, For now the planets are just white circles, but the final aspect will be randomly generated, and probably will have some kind of indicator about the resources you can find on them.

For now, you can scan the planets to see a list of resources...

And use the extractor to gather them


Tomorrow, I'll try to fix a few bugs with the extraction, refactor the planet spawning code so they don't overlap, and start working on uses for the resources. Onwards!

I regret nothing.