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At Godot is it possible to change OpenGL from 2 to 3? Several games made with this engine don't run on my old machine, because an OpenGL incompatibility error appears, asking the devs, they say that the minimum requirements are just to have OpenGL2 that my hardware has. Your game is one of the few that runs smoothly.

I wonder if there is a mistake some devs are making when compiling games for OpenGL3 instead of OpenGL2...

Sorry for my bad English

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, it is possible to switch from OpenGL-2 to OpenGL-3 or vice versa. But it may cause some errors (most of them are always in 3D).

In fact I have uploaded a video talking about the OpenGL version change and what problems it can bring.


Gracias por las informaciónes, por cierto, ¡disfruté tu juego!