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I don't know how I managed to, but I beat the game! =D It made me dizzy at time, I wasn't always sure where I was going (especially at the end), but eventually by insisting enough, all the obstacles can be passed through.

Changin the rule according to the dice orientation is a fun concept. It might happens to often though, or with not enough transition. It makes the game really chaotic, with a lot of camera blinking. Most of the time I wasn't sure what was going on, I had to adapt. But I must concede that this is kinda fun too. the game is total chaos, but it feels great to still be able to navigate it! One aspect that makes it even less readable is the background: the fact that it is static, with a lot of different color, makes it even harder to properly see what's going on in the game.

But in the end, it was a pleasant experience. I'm ridiculously proud to have reach that ending despite everything the game threw at me (thank you so much for not putting spikes or other kind of deadly obstacles). It was fun to mess around with that dice. So I guess it's a success! x) Good job!