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(1 edit)
game good but short (comparing to alchemy phone, little alchemy and doodle god). although good idea with porting it to tic-80. waiting for gba port ;p

for n00bs who couldnt complete - spoiler (sorry) :

air + fire = steam ; water + water = sea ; water + earth = mud ; mud + fire = brick ; 
brick + brick = wall ; air + fire = energy ; earth + fire = lava ; lava + air = rock ;
rock + water = sand ; air + air = wind ; air + water = rain ; fire + sand = glass ;
glass + wall = house ; energy + rain = storm ; earth + rain = plant ; rain + plant = tree ;
plant + mud = swamp ; swamp + energy = life ; life + air = bird ; life + tree = lizard;
lizard + tree = monkey ; monkey + house = human ; human + rock = tool ; 
tool + tree = wood ; tool + earth = crop ; life + water = fish ;

(hoping it wont get deleted cuz of spoiler ;p)