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(1 edit)

Overall, I think that neurolink was ported extremely well into 3d, and it felt very natural. From my experience, it seemed that I would beat the game much more frequently with the faster characters (drop out and feral child) than the ones with other moves, but this may just be how I tended to play. Doing away with the ammo system seems to have served it well, not making your character useless if you run out. I think upgrades were handled better in the tower, because it always felt like a strategy on how to upgrade, less luck. It feels that they need a little bit more reworking on how they function. Not sure how well 2p would work for neurolink, at least compared to the excellent 2p of the tower. when leaving the mind phase of the final boss fight. I think adding more grunt enemies into the final boss battle would be good for builds that are more for crowd control. I was also sad to see crates go, as they were really awesome in adding a sense of urgency to grab them, but overall xp was handled much better. In the tower, i honestly don't really know what xp does, but after the first minute of neurolink, I knew it got me upgrades. Mob justice was something else i was sad to see go, but i think that if you want, you could implement it as seen on stage 10. Adding a "life steal" as the final evolution of the force choke would be pretty cool.

Overall, it is a great update and the team should be proud of themselves for the good work. Thank you and you guys are going places (Hopefully steam).

Thank for the detailed and well written feedback. The team appreciates your input