Music: Good
Pixelart: Really good
Gameplay: Really fun
Bugs: Only 1 bug involving 2 items having switched shadows
Pattterns: Junko-like, still not as hard, just saying it's not supposed to be fantastic but it works really well
Movement: A little slow but it's really responsive
Length: A little too long, only reached area 2 but still took a while
Artwork: It's good but it looks a little weird, my friend who didn't play it started making jokes because of it like (disclaimer: he's one of those guys who's always making 4chan humor aka not very serious and very edgy):
"cool game but hire some jap to do all the artwork", "all the portraits make me vomit", "Looks g r e a t", "dear god it's that fat mexican kid from steven universe cosplaying as reimu"
Please don't take his comments serious he's never serious
Score: 8/10