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Thanks for playing btw.

I like the idea of the player having a tool yeah. 

About sinking: it's probably the physics. For me the water simulation worked fine most of the time (very rarely it did freak out, didn't know why so I moved on because of the time), but I guess on other pc's it doesn't always work fine (which I should have known tbh). Another reason for randomly sinking while your raft is still floating is: your raft might have gone below a certain height threshold (due to the waves going also low), so the game thought you sunk. That's just bad design from me. Idk if you experienced this as well.

I can't add icons to the dice because it's up to you which dice you pick when u have a "quest" (displayed down right on the UI). But I can add an icon to the UI under the crosshair I guess, which will display some information. Might be a good idea yeah.

Thanks for the feedback