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Very cool game!  I think it has a lot of potentials if you decide to keep working on it.  Here's a few suggestions I think you might want to consider if you decide to do that...

-There's a powerbar for the dice but I didn't see much reason to charge it up.  Charging it up meant it took longer for me to get my next roll.  It might add a cool element to almost damage the enemies with the dice based on the dice's velocity.

-It'd be cool to be able to use the coins collected to buy upgrades like more dice or different abilities

-I didn't quite pick up on how things were decided to be damaged, it seemed kind of random.  Might be interesting if there was an effect around the dice or player that showed a damage radius or something when it was being applied... I'm not sure if that's how it works.

-I would have liked to be able to shoot up and down too

Overall super cool.  Loved the music and I wanted more! So that's a good thing :)


Thank you. Super comprehensive feedback and I completely agree with it all. I'd definitely make some kind of dice upgrade shop if I return to this.