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wow, this is a super impressive game and really well designed.

Presentation wise, I think the whole thing looks phenomenal, and I mean phenomenal. Everything is very pleasant to look at and you (meaning the team) somehow managed to make dice have personality. Audio wise, all the sound effects worked well and sounded premium, and the mixing with the music was very well done. Speaking of the music, it also worked really well, and fit the setting very well. The biggest praise I have to offer on the presentation side though, is showing what the next head of the dice will be if the player moves in a given direction. Thank you so much for doing that as it allowed me to be strategic without having to remember the different sides of a dice, I have played so so many dice games that didn't do this and I am really happy that yours does. That final animation when the baddies break through the wall was also a really nice touch, and a good call to action to retry. Really fantastic work.

On the Gameplay side of things, I love the core mechanics, and I think its a very elegant system and if you chose to release this game as is on mobile, it would do really well, because of how polished and well integrated the core mechanic is. I think giving the player multiple moves for each of the enemy die was also a wise choice as it allows the gives the player a good chance given the large number of enemies. Overall, the game just felt really really good, like moving the player around was fun, and literally crushing the enemies felt waaaay too good. I honestly have no feedback about the gameplay, I loved it, and it was bug free.

Thank you for sharing your game, and I hope you expand upon it in the near future.