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Hi, thank you so much for the constructive comment :)! You're right that the dots might sometimes feel unfair. Here's a few things I have tried to mitigate it:
1. the dots spawn in a way that they spread out as much as possible – when there are four of them and the dice is coming from above, there should always be a dot that you can use
2. when the dice is low and there aren't enough dots on the screen, I usually think of it as a player mistake when I'm playing – hitting a powerful flick launches the dice really high and prevents this (which I know is a little brutal to say, but at least there's a high skill ceiling)
3. in sticky situations, you can still flick from a larger distance and it may be enough to save you
If you want, you can check this video of my 150°C run to see it all in action.
You're definitely not the only one bringing this up though and it's probably something I could have figured out if I had done more playtesting with new players. On a side note, the top scores on the leaderboard are very impressive ;). Yours is still in the top third of all highscores!

About the starting dot, you're on point! That's exactly why I did it, to force players through an otherwise a bit unintuitive mechanic :).
Thanks again for the feedback!