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Reporting some bugs in 0.6.3 ver... Beware of the spoilers ahead:

Dunno whether the quest is just unfinished or did it bug but the "bring some slimes" (gonna call it like this here) glitches the moment you give the requester 3 of them (he takes 2, as at the previous stage of quest) and the quest gets stuck (as it is no more possible to catch more lime slimes after you get the requested amount). Also there is a problem about inns, as there is no "wake up"/"leave" button after you decide to get some rest... I didn't really check the one at the jungle isle, but the one at the port (west city) had this. Also I'm not really sure, but there might be the problem with the shaman from the jungle isle's quest for the "stardust hammer"... Each time I tried to "run" buttons just disappeared and there was a need to undo that action. I believe it happened like 27 out of 27 times (3 tries, each try had 10-15 undoes used) I tried (yeah, it was a tough enemy for me, yet the toughest was for the sword I didn't even bother using)...

I wasn't able to replicate the slime quest problem. Also I'm not quite sure where you're running into the problem, since there aren't lime slimes. But after you give him the 3 lemon slimes you have to go back to get the next quest. And the last quest is where you give him 4 blueberry slimes and then you don't see him after that. 

But I was able to fix the other two errors at least! They should be in the next patch. Thank you very much for the reports!

It's good to know... Also, yeah, I meant lemon slimes, those which are in the forest, not on the hills... Maybe that was some kind of a glitch in a browser or something else... Anyways, after I restarted my pc the problem with the "Slime Quest part 3" was gone... Also, I just remembered of another glitches that I've forgotten to add to the previous comment, so here they are:

The mage in mountains doesn't ask of which reward do you prefer after defeating his manticore... He instead gives you the one, you've chosen the previous time you've succeed in that exact task... The glitch wears off after you "die" to the manticore or choose to help the mage in his experiment instead of fighting his pet... I think that's the problem with the integer... It seems as if the line of code like  "mage's_pet_defeated_reward = null;" is missing after choosing the reward and getting it...

Also, the wyvern's egg can be eaten after choosing the option of "selling it to cabals" and right before choosing the parameter you want to train... So it's like you're giving them the egg and while they are taking it from you you suddenly break it open and consume it's contents and still get the training...