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Also try closing resource heavy apps like Chrome 

(1 edit)

I play this game with nothing else, that I know of open, I quit everything. I have used an activity monitor at times and the CPU usage tends to kind of spike and just go crazy. 

At the beginning of the level it is usually using around 60-70%

but when doors open to let in more people my frames tank and reach 0 at times and I can have these moments where my whole computer freezes

Once everyone is dead there is much less cpu used 30-50%

I am currently going through my activity monitor to try and eliminate cpu cycle hungry tasks

I just rampaged through my computer trying to optimize it Imma try to play stick it to the stickman again

well 8-9 frames achieved (This is a record) but the game crashed on that one stage where there is a bunch of people at their desks working, it was a little laggy but the crash came when reinforcements came.