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(1 edit) (+2)

buyer beware, this game is very barebones and really not at a point where the dev should be asking for money. you click explore, and either lose hp to a trap or get a random item. most of the items pretty much do nothing. (Most of the items in the shop just give you less essence than they cost???). Transformations don't seem to be reflected in your character description. There's only one piece of art for your rival (if you choose a futa/trans rival there's no art, for some reason...) Combat never actually happens. I know it's in early access and maybe it'll improve later, but given that it's a proof of concept for another game that hasn't materialized yet I really can't recommend anyone buy this

I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm very thankful to everyone who has given so far, and I don't intend to let them down. I've gotten a lot of feedback, and filling in parts people find wanting.

I'm slowly commissioning artwork for the game as people pay for it, and this is not a process which is either fast or efficient. I also want to see some growth visualized in the game. (Consider: There's about 50ish pieces of art I will need for the game, which will be roughly 3000 dollars given the current rate I'm paying the artists I'm working with.)

I'll take a look at the issues you mentioned, but I could use some clarity and specifics on some of them.

Can you elaborate on transformations not being reflected in description? I was considering adding longer pieces of text that directly map to your stat, but each stat already does have short descriptors that change as you hit new milestones.

Also, combat is fairly common from exploring, although I think you might be seeing enemies run from you a bit too much, which I'm aware of and want to improve. Battles are intended to be pitched, so requests for better evasion were met with equal measure for your rivals, as well.