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This was great - I really like the pixel art for this, the player character looks wonderful, and the tileset evokes ancient ruins in a state of gradual decay - really atmospheric. Also love the trees which convey a lot of detail with a minimal palette and simple shapes :)

Gameplay is fast-paced and fun, especially once a speed upgrade was active! The enemies were nicely varied, with attack patterns that encouraged being aware of your positioning and taking care not to get boxed in by groups, which worked really well. I did find that the positioning of the bow could be problematic, as dice would frequently behave in unexpected ways when the bow was shot whilst near to a wall, but once I learned to work around this I still had a great time!


Thanks a lot for this feedback, glad you enjoyed our game! We are aware of the issue of shooting when near walls, we will have to fix that, and changing the level design to have less narrow corridors might also help.