Funny but unforgiving.
The good:
- You made a game that works. Congratulations!
- You've got a consistent art style that's simple yet readable and fits the arcady flair of the game.
- You've got sound.
- It's clear what I'm supposed to be doing, and while there is randomness involved, I can influence the odds with skill.
The bad:
- A single hit means death. Give us a few lives, and grant more lives every few levels so that we can atone for mistakes made in earlier levels.
- Sometimes you spawn so close to enemies that escape is nearly unavoidable. Spawn locations mean difficulty can spike unexpectedly even with few enemies.
- Every level is the same save for the number of enemies. Powerups, different weapons, or obstacles in the level would have been a nice addition.
It's a fun little game, exactly what you'd expect from a game jam.
Thanks for participating, and I hope we'll see you again next year!