Spooky! Getting a bit of a haunted feel from this. Not necessarily a scary type of haunted, but more like a "a story is about to be told"-type of haunted feeling. Like when you enter a haunted mansion ride or are introduced to a creepy fairy tale. It's nice though. It conveys this feeling quite effectively. I also like how you pitch the strings when you release them. I think it adds some magical mystery to the sound.
One thing I did notice is that the initial melody seems to go on a little bit long while staying very prominent in the forefront. I would've liked it if maybe it started floating a bit around us or did something to heighten interest if you decide to keep it going for so long. Either that or move into the second section a little bit sooner. That said, it might actually be fine for a game. I always find this difficult to say without seeing how it feels in the actual game.
Overall, I think it's great!