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This week was pretty productive, here I managed to link thelanding mechanic to the quest system. This needed a major change to how the buildings are placed, but I sorted this out too. At the same time I changed how the ground looks so that it matches the colours of the planet in the system map, which I think makes it look better and gives the game more continuity between the planetary travel and the landing.

As you can see from the image above, the building distibution still needs a lot of work as they need to be spread out more and have a wider variety. I've also changed the HUD and got rid of the debug text.

The whole thing is still overly buggy in such a way that it is game-breaking at the moment, but that's for me to fix this coming week. I'm also fixing the game saving functions as I've realised I've got so much to do in that area and I regret leaving it so late to sort them out. I've completed all the save functions already, so I'll be finishing off the load functions this week before heading back to bug fixing.

The load/save stuff is imoprtant as i'll need it to extend my play-through tests of the game. At the moment I can only develop in 45 minute blocks and this game takes longer than 45 mins to play through so in order to be able to test the game properly being able to save my progress is fundamental. Plus its also fundamental for when i'm in a position to realise the first version.