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Sweet game! I love the expressions and different themes of the dice characters, I thought that detail really brought the game together. I found myself carefully picking my dialogue choices because I wanted to win the dice over and not make em feel sour, which I thought was pretty cool. And I also liked how you could kind of tell what the dice wanted, and I also felt that my choices had weight towards the end of the game which I thought was a pretty nice touch as well. I can imagine the extension of the game where you could like spend a day with the dice to get to know them before the big showdown at the casino, that would be pretty sick. Nice work!

Awwwww thank you so much I probably spent as much time on the drawings and dialogue as I did the code to keep it all running :), also I didn't even think of that but being able to talk to them beforehand to try to gage what they would want would be so sick that is such a great idea!!!!