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It's a neat tiny game, if a little too simple and unclear.
Not too sure what the dice are supposed to affect, I thought it might affect power but only until after I killed the last(?) dude did I think it was supposed to relate to cost.

I can see a fuller game out of this if you polish up the visuals with some clear health bars, UI pointers, and maybe some audio as well.

Good luck!


It in a way is a situation when you make something and it is obvious to you. How various abilities require the player to have a dice with that number OR higher. I was thinking of making the dice you would be using change color as you are about to use an ability, but as I've stated in previous comments, no time :D

also, yeah I messed up the additional enemies system, in the last minutes I decided to add endlessly spawning enemies, only they start spawning too late, so the player has time to kill everything and then has to wait for several turns until more spawn.

thanks for the feedback, will definitely implement pretty much everything you said if I ever get back to making it into a real game.