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Very interesting take on the theme! Might be a tiny bit confusing at the beginning. Also the game has a very nice sense of exploration and the top-down zelda-like perspective fits it pretty well.

It's a shame that teleporter doesn't work, but hey, you made a unique game from scratch in 48 hours, and that is already a great achievement!

Enjoyed this a lot, and good job on releasing your game :)

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot!

The teleporter is supposed to head to the second half of the game, another floor with different enemies and a final boss (all this was actually finished during the jam, but unfortunately can't be accessed right now - it can be accessed with modding tools if you're so inclined, even).

I'll be uploading a bugfixed and improved build after the ratings end, so if you're interested in finishing the game properly feel free to give it a try then!