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My favourite part of this game is probably the strategy that comes from using the platforms as ammo - it was great fun to plan ahead with where I was standing, trying to time hitting the blocks so they rolled the right number, finding ways to build up a tower - I loved how much gameplay evolved from a few simple mechanics, it was elegant! It felt well balanced as well, I never felt like I was being given an unfairly high or low number of dice compared to enemies. The powerups were a great addition as well, they added some variety to the gameplay and I liked how well they were communicated with the graphics. Also, it's a minor thing, but being able to watch the game continue on after I'd lost was a nice little feature. The artwork was also a great feature of the game, I loved how it was both aesthetically pleasing and readable, and I especially like the game thumbnail - it's got some great perspective. The music fit very well with the feel of the game, so that was great to hear as well. Really nice little game overall, so well done!