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(1 edit) (+2)

Firstly, good job with the game, especially in 48 hours.

I feel like the time for the dice to explode is too long... like by the time the dice hit the enemy they're mostly already out of the dice's blast range. Also it might be my taste only but I personally didn't really like the art style... like it just feels idk ugly probably because of the color scheme and maybe anti-aliasing. I also feel like the music also wasn't really that interesting for this type of game.


Thanks for the feedback


umm so like, everyone else liked the art. I thought it was quite cool

btw, the time it takes for the dice to explode is decided on what dice roll number u got, divided by 2, e.g roll a 2 and it takes 1 second

also, I'm not the creator of this game, just a man of mystery