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Ah I must have missed that, maybe not allowing the player to enter the dungeon without the forge can be required( eg The mage has the key and will only give it when you make the forge) I didn't realize it was completely random, which is cool and if you want extreme power to be possible on both ends then that is what it seems to be so good job on that. That being the case there is an ability in your pool that allows a creature to bounce creatures to the opponents hand, and to me it seems that if you activate an ability you cannot attack(tapped) but if you attack you can still activate an ability mid combat then remove yourself from combat in a weird interaction, imo if you attack you should relinquish your ability to activate abilities that exhaust your card.  If you like the all haste then you can keep it as it sets you apart in a way, but maybe increase the life a little to offset this. NP on the things that need work, just wanted to tell you what I saw as a player on first glance. I literally downloaded and reviewed in the same hour so that's the version I played. 

(1 edit) (+1)

The ability to bounce is pretty strong, yeah, I'll consider increasing its randomization cost so it isn't as easy to get.

The logic for attacking and exhausting (tapping out) is the following. "If you attacked or blocked, your Minion gets exhausted at the end of the turn." So you can choose to either attack and use your exhaust ability by the end of the turn. You can choose not to attack so you can block and/or use that exhaust in your opponent's turn, or you can just exhaust during your turn without attacking.

Regarding the dungeon being open before finishing the "quest", I thought about doing exactly as you said, but I figured I'd give the user the option to just go. But thinking about it maybe not the best idea this early in development.

I'll think about the life totals. I'm also going to implement an attack power limiter so any of your opponent's low-cost creatures have more attacks than your starting hp so you don't die turn 1 or 2 . 

Also, the fact that you downloaded and played is very troubling, I thought I'd dealt with the targeting bug. I guess there's still something wrong there. Thanks again for all the feedback and info, very helpful!

Sounds good, look forward to next build :)