Please do not spam on other people’s pages.
Apologies if it was considered a spam having used the same message for some of the reviews.
I usually collect all games I am interested in and then Play test all of them. The games with the same outcomes are usually selected for the same review. Then I apply the scores in batch maybe your algorithms pick up that as spam as well. Please let me know so I can take immediate action and correct my process.
It's a way to cut off time due to the tremendous amount of games available. In other cases I send a more detailed review when required with more specific comments.
Again my apologies to itch and the community if I have broken one of the rule. It won't happen again.
Effectively every single comment you left on other people’s pages was the same thing, copied across hundreds of submissions, posted at a high rate. From our perspective, you’re doing that just to promote your own project with no intention of leaving meaningful feedback. Please do not do that. If you’re going to leave a comment please make it for the page you’re posting on or don’t post it at all.