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Honestly amazing job on the game and I am looking forward to further story, especially when the game feels like it is only pointing at what happened with the creation of the Starlings. Even the story of how the game came to be is an interesting layer to the narrative.

Loved the visuals, especially the ‘drown’ scene, that splice between 2d image and 3d model is haunting as if it’s breaking out of the game. I did try my best in the game, if anything was hidden I could not find it and I played for quite a while.

The only problem I have is I’m not sure where the meta ends, looking through the clips I can’t tell if I can find all in the game, or if I am meant to look through the game files for more story. Still I looked through all of them and really expanded on the story. It was surprising finding the rock clip, and your mocap test must have been fun making.

Shame I missed the game on release if it was not for ‘manlybadasshero’ playing the game I would never have found it, tucked away in adult content.