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Wow, that's actually pretty fun!
Wasn't expecting to get my math tested in this game jam, but I liked it a lot haha. These visuals are amazing and you made them fit with each other very well. Just missed a small tutorial - took me a while to start understanding what I was doing. But the nice levels and polished menu convinced me to dive deeper in untill I get the concept.
Cool idea, and great presentation. Great job! :D


Thank you for your comment and most importantly for staying in the game after the initial wall. My idea was to make learning the game a puzzle by itself, but probably it was not the smartest choice for a jam where people are eager to always try new games and cannot stop for long.

Anyway, I am happy that you've finally enjoyed the game! :)


Hello again!

Just wanted to say that an updated version of the game is out now! There's a dev log in the game's page, but to make it short I've added a small tutorial as you suggested (in level 1) and resolved a bunch of accessability issues.

There are many new quality of life features, but most importantly a new (secret) level to try out!