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Thank you so much for playing my game, and I am very glad you liked it!

For the art/visuals, I was indeed trying to deliver a style that is reminiscent of Monument Valley, but using more blocky patterns, because of the whole dice theme.

Regarding the level select buttons, I probably had time to make unique icons, but I panicked and decided against it because of the looming deadline.

The next level button having a shortcut is an idea I should have absolutely considered, but I didn’t end up thinking of.

If I decide to continue this game, these changes would be the first ones I would implement.

Thank you for providing this kind of criticism, as it helps me figure out what to iron out in any future game dev adventures. Cheers, and have a splendid day/evening!

(By the way, how did you find the controls of the dice? I was worried that the isometric perspective might render the controls unintuitive.)