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The atmosphere and sound choices are all solid, the bass synth that comes in around 0:34 was a really nice touch. You have a nice style and the tracks sound really nice. Sometimes the mix feels a little muddy in the stereo field (could probably be fixed with a mid/side eq) but I don’t think it detracts too much from the overall submission. I really like these tracks, great work!


Thank you for giving it a listen and taking the time to give me some advice. Really appreciate it!

I indeed find the stereo field part of mixing/producing very difficult. I mix exclusively on cans (small thin walled apartment) which probably doesn't help much. I think the headphones that I use are also quite forgiving when it comes to mud (I usually don't hear it until I listen to it on someone else's sound system). I should probably read up and/or watch some tutorials on how to get better at this, because I think it is one of the things that is holding me back.

Anyways, thanks again! Loved your submission btw!