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Played through the entire game. It's pretty good!

I'm always a bit torn on this sort of dice-rolling puzzle. On the one hand, I like puzzles quite a lot, on the other hand, my spatial reasoning isn't good enough to plan that many steps ahead and I often end up stumbling onto the correct solution by chance. The levels were streamlined enough so that I could reasonably well figure out what to do at most points, though, well done!

I liked the aesthetics, though they could be a bit overwhelming at times. I would have digged some sort of crumbling animation for the falling blocks, maybe for a post-jam version.

Another nitpick: While the -1 and +1 blocks actually did what I expected them to do, 

As for controls, while I really like how the die becomes see-through when you hover it, I think I would prefer controlling it with the keyboard. I read somewhere below that camera rotation is a problem, but with a bit of vector math, dynamic key mapping should be doable: When you hit a directional key, calculate a vector that lies in the camera plane and corresponds to the direction you've pressed. Then take the dot product of that vector with the four vectors the die could possible go in. The biggest value should be the one that the die will go in.

Anyway, that's enough me rambling about vector math (sorry, I just really like vector math). Good game, definitely worth checking out!