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The line about needing to improve the recipe to serve dignitaries occurred twice. "nw.js" complained on startup, but I can't tell if that was because of your game doing something wrong or a previous one, since this is the 4th game that's given me the same error on startup.

Your presentation needs rethinking. The redundant switching of views between visual novel and rpg alongside the paper-thin writing at the beginning results in a lot of distracting transitions. The way of showing the passing of time during the first day of the restaurant being open didn't need a pan and would've gone quicker and more smoothly without it. It also didn't need quite so many scenes of just characters the player doesn't know eating. More related to gameplay, following the path at the start leads to an area that just triggers the line about not needing to go that way, with no indication of what's over there or where the characters actually want to go. Later, after the dialogue indicating how they're going to save the restaurant, there's a line about needing to prepare with no indication of how, before dumping the player back to the rpg town. There's also a moment after the 2nd opening of the restaurant where the characters randomly confess their affection with little reason or context for doing so.

Regarding the map design, it's good that you put effort in (I've gone through quite a few entries so far that didn't), but a lot of the details are noticeably off. The cafe appears to have two kitchens and two dining halls. The library appears to be an empty classroom, an empty sitting room and a back room. The building to the left of the graves has a sign that doesn't appear to have anything on it, then the building behind it has two signs with stuff on it that the player doesn't get to read. The building with the two signs also has a guard blocking the stairs but not doing anything about the several rooms full of stuff on the first floor. That building also has a tree outside that's only half there. Outside the town, the cave with the mushrooms is labeled "thieves hideout" but contains very little evidence of being such.

The rpg battles don't seem related to the story at all. They're just a nuisance to pass the time every once in a while.

Other than that, you've got a weapons shopkeeper that offers foodstuff in the same way as the foodstuff shopkeeper with a menu that offers weapons. Also, the names of the foods the player is told to cook don't match with the names in the recipe book.