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Holy shet man did you make all of this yourself in 2 days!? That was frkin EPIC man, really NAILED the GAME FEEL!.

The lower framerate blood effects and water ripples, the freezeframes (although sometimes there were too many freeze frames and it genuinely felt like the game was dropping frames and lagging) the screenshake, u even got death sounds and stuff for the  enemies and player. 

Also cube falls off if you rush through the level to the very end lol but for 2 days this is already too much man! Also there is even joystick support! it was better when played with joystick tbh, felt more immersive

Did you use some asset/extension for the freezeframe and screenshake or did you code it yourself?

Also how long have you been doing gamedev? cuz all this isn't beginner level stuff you definitely are experienced


Thank you for enjoying my game, I've made most of the resources for this Game jam, a small part of what I've had before, about freezeframe animation, purely making a separate model of each frame animation (laughs), and I've been doing game development for almost 20 years. Now my liver is in pain lol.

oh ok you are just cycling though some models instead of all rigging and animation yep yep that's really cool and time saving as well!

20 years! You are an industry veteran indeed. Ive only been 2 years XD