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(1 edit) (+1)

I like the inspiration from Vampire survival, its a fun twist. ;)

I wish it was an auto attack because i ended up spamming the attack so i wouldn't get hurt and then i accidently selected power ups.

Didn't figure out how to trigger the power ups with the dice, is it my dice and how do i see what it lands on?

Great work!

Edit: Also, if you gonna continue on this after the jam, change it to space instead of enter so we dont have move our hands after we die to enter a new game.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, thanks for playing the game! You should be able to hold down the LMB to fire attacks and as far as I know that wont trigger the power up selection. Both tapping & holding have the same cooldown. 

The powerups are activated based on what your dice lands on. Each powerup is mapped to one of the six numbers. The original plan was to actually show the dice landing on a number in game but we unfortunately ran out of time to do so.

And yeah I can definitely add space to select as well after we can edit the game