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Top down shooters are always fun, I was confused at first with a few things, like why I couldn't shoot sometimes when I clicked (because I was rolling) or why there were sometimes bullets in all directions (because I rolled a 6). I still don't completely understand what each number does, and I was confused when the piano chord played and I couldn't shoot, but it's enjoyable trying to dodge the enemy bullets for a while.

Hello KingforaNight! I’m glad you liked my little project and I greatly appreciate your criticism, just to mention that in the title screen or in game over you can press the shift key to open a kind of manual with all the mechanics of the game, or you can check the screenshots of the game on its page, where this manual is also included. Maybe that way you can understand the mechanics of the game a little better and get rid of doubts, although personally I prefer to try over and over again until I understand them. Cheers!