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First off, I think it's fun to post high scores as a sort of leader board. I was able to get 701m after a couple of tries.

For feedback, my only comment is I kind of wish the character just automatically ran or there was a run toggle button because after I got used to the controls I just never let go of D in a run. There are also some bugs where the player can clip the blocks and it happens to me a couple of times, but as to be expected from a jam gam. Overall I thought this game was a simple and fun game and I like trying to go for higher and higher scores. 


I appreciate the kind words and solid feedback, I should have realised through playtesting that I never really let go of the D key and should have maybe designed some of the levels more to incorporate moving to the left. Also the lack of the leader board was a silly oversight by me. Anyway, thanks for playing!