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That's very kind of you to take the time to review them all.

I'm glad track 2 and 3 evoked the intended feeling. I think those are the ones I worked on longest (esp 3).
I was doubting whether to cut track 6. In retrospect I probably should have. It was supposed to be for after she returned the child to the forest (lonely feeling), but I don't think I managed to land the mood right and ended up with a track that was well, not that interesting.

I was also doubting about whether to make 5 a little less harsh. Some harshness was intended to make it sound mechanical, but I should've maybe toned down the volume on the mechanical synth a little.

And yeah, I should've really added a bit more variation to the chord progression in track 7. Well, maybe after the compo ends I can make some tweaks!

Overall, still had a blast working on these though! And thanks again!