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Track 1: I am immediately in love with this rumbly, bassy mix of electronics and strings. With absolutely no percussion, you convey with just one chord the urgency of the situation.

Track 2: The groovy bassline took me by surprise! Now I'm starting to get an idea of the identity of this soundtrack. The techno-beat in front of an eerie ambient background is a really cool and effective thing.

Track 3: if text-painting is a thing, what's the word for music-painting? Hearing the skittering percussion in the beginning of this track helps me envision the clanking of the forest automatons.

Track 4: this concept is very, very cool-- I am living for the idea, and hearing it unfold both in the description and in the music itself. This track is full of cool-sounding synths!

Track 5: It's incredible when a great concept and a great composer meet. This outlandish idea is put into music perfectly.

Track 6: This track feels a lot more empty than the others, and it's definitely an outlier... though I can't figure out what element of the story this correlates to?

Track 7: Ah, the tragic twist! This is yet another cool track with a really rich swath of synths. I did find the chords to be a little repetitive here.

Track 8: pretty upbeat ending! While, again, the chords are a little repetitive, when you think of it more as dance music all is forgiven. It's been so cool hearing this soundtrack evolve into a techno dream, mirroring the evolution of the forest into a machine.

You are a brilliant composer who has found their voice for sure. I'm not sure how you accomplished what you did, but it was beyond cool and I'm really impressed! Keep writing, bravo!

That's very kind of you to take the time to review them all.

I'm glad track 2 and 3 evoked the intended feeling. I think those are the ones I worked on longest (esp 3).
I was doubting whether to cut track 6. In retrospect I probably should have. It was supposed to be for after she returned the child to the forest (lonely feeling), but I don't think I managed to land the mood right and ended up with a track that was well, not that interesting.

I was also doubting about whether to make 5 a little less harsh. Some harshness was intended to make it sound mechanical, but I should've maybe toned down the volume on the mechanical synth a little.

And yeah, I should've really added a bit more variation to the chord progression in track 7. Well, maybe after the compo ends I can make some tweaks!

Overall, still had a blast working on these though! And thanks again!