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Very minimalistic and enjoyable!

It was sometimes a bit frustrating when I couldn't do anything about dogs coming at me, high rng-based game (or maybe I missed something?) but the creativity and the presentation were top-notch nonetheless! Good job!


I’m glad you enjoyed it friend! I didn’t really have any ideas that fit rolling dice so I just kind of went the metaphorical route and made everything a roll of the dice. From the amount of coins you get to jump strength and bullet speeds. I agree it does often get frustrating which is not something I ever set out to do. I appreciate your feedback friend!


Oh my I didn't even realize even the amount of coins were roll of the dice! I guess the dog's HP was too? I wasn't sure if it was like random, or whether it was like the same dog coming and over and over again and I had already damaged it? :D Knowing this actually makes it notch up the creativity some more haha!

thank you again! Yes all the enemy health and speeds are randomized as well