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Thanks so much for playing and for your comment!

This reminds me that I have a fairly substantially updated version I need to get onto Itch. A lot of the UI is revamped, so perhaps that would fix the control issue you were encountering. I’ve been busy with work and haven’t had a chance to work on this for some time, but I have some time off soon and was going to spend some time on it.

As for spell targeting, it’s intentional that by default you can only target the nearest enemy. (I have an esoteric in-game explanation for this, which I should probably add to the Help screens I have in the new release.) The intention is for alternate targeting schemes to be a soul effect. To make this really work, though, I need to make some adjustments to dungeon generation to allow for more variety in tactical movement.

This particular version is pretty easy, after a few releases that were unfairly hard (or at least had unexpected difficulty spikes). The current development version is harder but I think fairer than earlier versions.

Thanks for the kind words about the writing! I had a lot of fun with it.