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Nice concept!

Track 1: beautiful orchestration here: the gently strumming guitar with the strings and bells is lovely and fitting to the theme.

Track 2: definitely a goofier track-- I immediately think of Luigi's Mansion when I hear this! This is a fun melody, and I actually like the sparseness of the instrumentation, as it adds to the empty feeling of the woods.

Track 3: another fun and upbeat track-- and it's similar in sound to the second track at first, but I love when the drums come in in the middle-- very fun to listen to!

Track 4: The addition of chatter is a great one! This track reminds me of Undertale a bit. I can tell you are having fun composing this stuff, it really shows in the energy and vibrance each track has.

Track 5: My personal favorite part of this soundtrack? It would actually be the length of each track. Instead of looping the same four chords over and over for five minutes, you have a minute-long bite of very good, very varied music with an excellent sound to it. This track is a perfect end to that.

I honestly don't have much advice for you, which is rare... you've got a great compositional voice, expressed each emotion in each track very nicely, and you even have some super cool pixel art! You've got your bases covered, bravo! Keep writing!