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I was watching a video about an "Amanda the Adventurer" happy meal and they said the "Amanda the Adventurer" happy meal is real. It seems like in the video that the happy meal of "Amanda the Adventurer" was actually a Disney happy meal with no "Amanda the Adventurer" plushy. I was guessing that maybe there could be happy meals of "Amanda the Adventurer" if McDonald's wanted to.

Also, this is a "DO NOT AT 3AM" video I was watching. In the video, they said that there was blood in the happy meal, and I think it was actually ketchup that looks like blood because how and where would they get blood? The video was actually funny in some way because they talked about that the ketchup was Woolie's blood, the yellow jello was chunky pee pee, the tuna was spoiled, there was deodorant because she was stalking Tony Grundy knows he is stinky, there was baby food, there was a paper that had a picture of Amanda on the front of the paper and at the back of it had "CHEESE BURGER OUTSIDE" written big on it, and etc. The funniest part was the final part where there was Dora from "Dora the Explorer" in their house and knew it was actually a person in a Dora suit and it ended up trying to murder the victims!

this man is having a seizure