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It's lesbian and should be tagged as such


It is tagged as lesbian; however, I did remove the "gay" tag.


I should also note that you will have the choice to ignore all lesbian relationships and only pursue straight ones in the future.


From that i'd assume that the tag "female protagonist" could be added, but i've been told you guys are limited in how many you can add to each game and i've never heard of a lesbian dude...

So i guess it's only common sense to deduce that the protagonist is indeed a woman.

Don't get me started about men who want to bang lesbians... I mean, come on man... If she told you she's lesbian then that means... ? That she likes women, sure... And? And so do you... Right... You DO have a common point... Sigh... Is she bisexual at least? No she only has one pussy... Looks like we have a winner...

Just renting, don't worry, i do understand that there are potentially lesbian relationships and intercourses in your game. I am not complaining about your use of the tag, just remembered some conversations i had with some... less enlightened members of the male gender let's say. Thought it could make someone smile.

If the miniatures are any indication your game looks good, but while i like watching women going at it better than i do men i don't dig games in wich the main character is a woman.

Yeah I completely understand, that tag should be added, and thanks for your input, I appreciate you communicating with me, this is my first game so I am not totally sure how it should be marketed and what my audience would like to see, thanks for all the input and if you have any other concerns please let me know! Thanks for your help!


Doesn't seem like it


As things are, with my understanding of things, my answer would be a resounding yes. Later on, should the option to avoid lesbian content be added as the dev wish to do, then my answer would switch to "Yes and no my friend". Let's pretend someone would be interrested in a game where the main character is a female, but have sex only with men, then the lesbian tag could act as a repellant for such a potential customer. It then all comes down to the audience the dev choose to target and his/her marketing choices.

To be honnest it may even be better to offer the game two times on each marketing platform, one with the lesbian tag and one without, and see how each fare before eventually redirecting the minoritary one toward the more commercially interresting one. I guess that could have a negative impact too by making the game less less visible, but that would also dampen the impact of people not getting what they wanted, or more accurately getting more than what they wanted.

Not sure about websites policies regarding my last thought though.

It will definetly be easier to market once I have continued the game and no how the story will unfold throughout the game, right now I have lots of ideas to hopefully encorporate all categories but if this becomes to challenging I can tone it down. I may take your idea and release multiple versions to see what the audience would prefer but hopefully I can make it where the choices will determine sexuality. We'll see, thanks again!

I was more talking about releasing the exact same game two times, but marketing it differently to appeal to different audiences. But if you want to go the extra mile and actually make different versions of the game it might be better.