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Heya! a quick question, my game crashes when I am switching the ships while at sea plus the game won't launch though Itch. what should I do?

The switching ships at sea bug was presented to me earlier today and it should already be fixed.  I just uploaded the fix to Itch less than an hour ago, so make sure you update Maelstrom.  The game not launching through Itch is probably where you installed the game.  Itch installs don't allow me to modify paths in the shortcuts and manifest paths, so if you place the game/mods differently than the instructions, you will have to manually modify the shortcuts and manifest file.  There are some instructions/screenshots how to do that in the MaelstromSetup.pdf.  If that is not clear enough to follow, I can probably walk you through it.  But that might be easier real-time through Discord:

P.S. We are working on our own launcher that will deal with any mods you might have, so that Itch will simply launch-the-launcher, but that is not yet complete.  But when finished, should hopefully simplify things.  I just wasn't aware of how Itch operated, until we did it, so kinda learning the Itch peculiarities as I go.